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Kriya Yoga: Insights Along the Path

Rs. 270.00

by Marshall Govindan and Jan Ahlund.

Part 1: The Dilemma of human existence: Finding lasting happiness in  things which do not last. Why Do We Practice Yoga? Karma: Cause or Consequence? Liking and Disliking: the Disease of the Mind. Doubts.. Part 2: Finding the spiritual path: Guru Purnima.  Aspiration.  Receiving the Grace of our Satguru Kriya Babaji Nagaraj. Discipleship or Devoteeship. The Significance of Initiation. What is Babaji's Kriya Yoga? The Art of Meditation. You and What You Are Not. By Contentment, Supreme Joy is Attained.  A Man's Home is His Ashram. Satsang. Sacred Space. Part 3: Making our life our Yoga: Moving towards equilibrium: Calmly Active, Actively Calm. What the World Needs Now is Love and Compassion. Judgment, or How to Avoid Harming others and Ourselves. Yoga as a Social Movement. All countries are my homeland and all persons are part of my family. Holy madness, Kundalini, Shakti pat and Ego-Crushing. How do we know whether we are progressing spiritually?  The  Yoga of the 21st Century. Tapas: Voluntary Self-Challenge. Samadhi.  Kaivalyam: Absolute Freedom. Sadhana of Life. Questions and answers. How should we concentrate in practicing mantras? How to balance internal and external focus, in order to optimize both? In Advaita Vedanta, one focuses only on the Self. Why do we have other points of   focus in Babaji's Kriya Yoga? How does Babaji's Kriya Yoga compare with the Kriya Yoga promoted by Yogananda and his successors?

“It is up to us all to choose how we would like our future to be. In making that choice, it helps to know, understand and accept ourselves, our purpose, our passions, our talents, and how we want these to manifest.  A book that I highly recommend for anyone who wants to step into their Self/ Highest Potential is "Kriya Yoga: Insights Along The Path”, by Marshall Govindan and Jan Ahlund.
The book is a powerful companion for aspirants, practitioners or teachers alike, who are on a path towards expanded awareness, self realisation and personal mastery.  In most parts, its power is in the vast topics it covers in simple clear sincere and non-jargon and objective style. I particularly found nectar in Chapters 11 on Kaivalyadham and 12 on Sadhana of Life which encapsulated for me the questions of -
Why Yoga? Why Kriya Yoga? Why be / know WHO I AM? Once you have read it, you will know how valuable it is as an aid towards remembering Who I AM, and letting go of what I am not!"
-by Marina Kapur, management consultant in the U.K.

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